Years 4 and 5 have just completed a Meadow
Makers project. They began the project in January 2012 and completed it
September 2012. The area they used was the edge and top space of their
playing field. One of the highlights was the camera nest box where they
watched a nest of blue tits fledge. Asked to say one thing they had learnt
that they didn't know before the majority said "We didn't know there were so many
different types of grasses"

Story telling circle
and base for pupils while conducting their Bio-survey

The Class all designed their own story boards. A
professional artist interpreted their work to include the pupils individual
ideas. |

Miss Leslie and class sitting amongst the

Story Board designed by the whole
class |

Starting work on the willow arch |

Painting the top of one of the log seats. Log seats were sealed and then painted with
butterflies, bees and flowers. The Lunch club took part in this part of the
project. |